Yango Maps Survey – 72% of Parents Drive More as Schools Start; 93% Seek Recommendations on After-school Activity Routes

Dubai, United Arab Emirates Yango Maps survey: Real-time traffic updates and parking access key for smooth commutes to school and after-school activities At the beginning of the school year, Yango Maps, the feature-rich app for seamless navigation, conducted an in-depth survey among parents residing in Dubai. The aim of theContinue Reading

استبيان خرائط يانغوYango Maps : التحديثات المباشرة لحركة المرور وسهولة الوصول إلى مواقف السيارات أمران أساسيان للتنقل السلس من وإلى المدرسة وأنشطة ما بعد المدرسة

Dubai, UAE, September 2, 2024. At the beginning of the school year, Yango Maps, the feature-rich app for seamless navigation, conducted an in-depth survey among parents residing in Dubai. The aim of the survey was to find out how parents deal with the ‘back-to-school’ season and which critical features theyContinue Reading