تحيي مؤسسة الشرق الأوسط لالتهاب المفاصل “اليوم العالمي لالتهاب المفاصل” مع التركيز على أهمية الكشف المبكر والوقاية الاستباقية والحركة المستمرة

Local experts will present advancements to improve life for those with autoimmune diseases, while patients and caregivers will raise awareness, share stories, and advocate for enhanced support and accessibility 19 September 2024, Dubai, UAE – In recognition of World Arthritis Day (WAD), the Middle East Arthritis Foundation (MEAF), a non-profitContinue Reading

Middle East Arthritis Foundation Commemorates ‘World Arthritis Day’ with Focus on Early Detection, Proactive Prevention and Consistent Mobility

Local experts will present advancements to improve life for those with autoimmune diseases, while patients and caregivers will raise awareness, share stories, and advocate for enhanced support and Local experts Dubai, United Arab Emirates In recognition of World Arthritis Day (WAD), the Middle East Arthritis Foundation (MEAF), a non-profit dedicatedContinue Reading