استبيان خرائط يانغوYango Maps : التحديثات المباشرة لحركة المرور وسهولة الوصول إلى مواقف السيارات أمران أساسيان للتنقل السلس من وإلى المدرسة وأنشطة ما بعد المدرسة

Dubai, UAE, September 2, 2024. At the beginning of the school year, Yango Maps, the feature-rich app for seamless navigation, conducted an in-depth survey among parents residing in Dubai. The aim of the survey was to find out how parents deal with the ‘back-to-school’ season and which critical features theyContinue Reading

ميزة “أجوائي” الحصرية على تطبيق يانغو بلاي ترتقي بتجربتكم الموسيقية المخصصة

Dubai UAE 20 May 2024: Yango Play, the first AI-powered entertainment super app that combines video streaming, music, and mini-games, has introduced My Vibe, a unique feature within its Music section that adapts to the user’s music preferences during the listening process. The new feature represents the next evolutionary stepContinue Reading